Commands to create local mongo replica set

Run docker compose (first time, run with environments MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD etc to create admin. On the linux server they are not always properly readed for no reason… After initializing mongo, remove environments from compose file)

docker compose up -d

It problems with auth file access, check: Keyfile Access or use trick with entrypoint:

  - bash
  - -c
  - |
      chmod 400 /etc/mongo/authKey
      chown 999:999 /etc/mongo/authKey
      exec "$@"

Login as a admin

docker exec -it mongodb mongo --host mongodb:27017 -u admin -p <password> --authenticationDatabase admin

Setup replica set config (add secondary database)

config = {
      "_id" : "rs0",
      "members" : [
          "_id" : 0,
          "host" : "mongodb:27017",
					"priority" : 2
          "_id" : 1,
          "host" : "mongodb2:27017",
					"priority" : 1

Initialize cluster


Add new node to existing replica set


Check current config


Change replica set config by just assign new config (would be better the hosts to be DNS host then ip addresses)

use local;

config = {
      "_id" : "rs0",
      "members" : [
          "_id" : 0,
          "host" : "<ip/host>:27017",
					"priority" : 2
          "_id" : 1,
          "host" : "<ip/host>:27018",
					"priority" : 1


How to connect:

You must use directConnection=true connection option
